#Update Story
cd $HOME && rm -r story
git clone https://github.com/piplabs/story
cd $HOME/story
git checkout v0.13.0
go build -o story ./client
sudo mv $HOME/story/story $(which story)
#Update Geth
wget -O geth https://github.com/piplabs/story-geth/releases/download/v0.10.1/geth-linux-amd64
chmod +x geth
mv ~/geth $(which geth)
Check the versions of story and geth:
story version
#Version: v0.13.0-stable
#Git Commit: daaa395
geth version
#Version: 0.10.1-stable
#Git Commit: b60a3ba8d47e60a6c78ca0570f7dac66e8976d93
Restart the node
sudo systemctl restart story-geth && journalctl -fu story-geth -o cat
sudo systemctl restart story && journalctl -fu story -ocat