🖥️Useful commands



curl -s http://localhost:26657/status | jq
curl -s http://localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info

Check node logs

sudo journalctl -fu story-geth -o cat
sudo journalctl -fu story -o cat

Check service status

sudo systemctl status story

Restart service

sudo systemctl restart story-geth
sudo systemctl restart story

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop nolusd

Start service

sudo systemctl stop story-geth
sudo systemctl stop story

Reload, disable, enable

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl disable story
sudo systemctl disable story-geth
sudo systemctl enable story
sudo systemctl enable story-geth

Your node peer

echo "$(curl localhost:$(sed -n '/\[rpc\]/,/laddr/ { /laddr/ {s/.*://; s/".*//; p} }' $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml)/status | jq -r '.result.node_info.id')@$(wget -qO- eth0.me):$(sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')"

Your enode

geth --exec "admin.nodeInfo.enode" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

🔗Validator Management🔗

Validator info

curl localhost:$(sed -n '/\[rpc\]/,/laddr/ { /laddr/ {s/.*://; s/".*//; p} }' $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml)/status | jq

Check Validator public key

story validator export

Check Validator private key

cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt


Add operator

story validator add-operator --operator <OPERATOR_EVM_ADDRESS> --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Unstake from yourself

story validator unstake --validator-pubkey $(story validator export | grep "Compressed Public Key (base64)" | awk '{print $NF}') --unstake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')


story validator unstake --validator-pubkey <VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --unstake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Delegate to yourself

story validator stake --validator-pubkey $(story validator export | grep "Compressed Public Key (base64)" | awk '{print $NF}') --stake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')


story validator stake --validator-pubkey <VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --stake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Delegate on behalf of other delegator

story validator stake-on-behalf --validator-pubkey <VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --delegator-pubkey <DELEGATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --stake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Unstake on behalf of other delegator. To do so, you must be a registered authorized operator for this delegator

story validator unstake-on-behalf --validator-pubkey <VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --delegator-pubkey <DELEGATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64> --unstake 1000000000000000000 --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Remove operator

story validator remove-operator --operator <OPERATOR_EVM_ADDRESS> --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

Set or change withdrawal address

story validator set-withdrawal-address --withdrawal-address <YOUR_EVM_ADDRESS> --private-key $(cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt | grep "PRIVATE_KEY" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')

⛓️Geth commands⛓️

Check the latest block

geth --exec "eth.blockNumber" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

Peers your client is connected to

geth --exec "admin.peers" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

Check if syncing is still in progress: will output "true" if geth is syncing

geth --exec "eth.syncing" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

Check gas price

geth --exec "eth.gasPrice" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

Check account balance

geth --exec "eth.getBalance('<YOUR_EVM_ADDRESS>')" attach ~/.story/geth/odyssey/geth.ipc

Last updated